30 April 2008

27 April 2008

Flying the Blue Dream

Chelsea 2 Man U. 1 Go Chelsea! Go!

25 April 2008

Short Lesson on Palm Oil

I visited a palm oil plantation and mill recently. I've heard numerous rumors of how wealthy palm oil estate owners have become because of the rise in prices of palm oil over the recent years. One story has it that they have become so wealthy that they bring a suitcase of cash to buy cars.

So here are some pictures of my trip. Cash not included.

14 April 2008

Yet Another Happy Birthday (Part 2)

My youngest celebrated her 1st birthday yesterday. I know, awwwwwww....

Of course, you wouldn't want to leave her older sister out of the picture. She had her cake and ate it too.Mommy and daddy trying hard not to look exhausted despite the weeks of mental planning.
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09 April 2008

Thanks for the Postcard

Got a cool goodie bag in the mail today. I was rummaging through the bag when something fell out. Here it is:A postcard! Thanks Amira, and Jojo, and Noah and, Uncle Ronnie, And Auntie Norma! I can see you guys made Amira edit the "From" section. The biggest surprise was the reverse side:We don't get personalized postcards these days with the Internet and all. It put a smile on my face :D I'll post it up on our fridge door.

03 April 2008

Just Another Typical Day at the Market

This is in Bangkok. Apparently, nobody told them it's dangerous to run, play or in this case to trade near railway tracks.