25 December 2012

How to Build a 1W Blue Laser Torch

This video looks complicated but results are rewarding if not satisfying. Pretty close to a Jedi Saber. You'll be setting things on fire in no time!
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

18 December 2012

How To Get More Out of Google

Click on image to enlarge.


17 December 2012

Winning isn't an option for some folks. Click on image to enlarge. 

14 December 2012

Don't Hate, Appreciate.

So easy even a six year old could do it:

13 December 2012

Epic Live Remix

Playing the piano is hard enough with skill and finesse. This song titled Virus performed live by M4SONIC has this to say:

This is an original composition performed live on two Novation Launchpads in User 1   mode. The two MIDI controllers are playing original samples in a sequence to create the sound. The right hand controls most of the tuneful sounds whilst the left hand is responsible for keeping in time, playing a custom drum kit and various FX and vocal loops

12 December 2012

Peak Phosphorus

We've heard of Peak Oil, when the demand for oil has outstripped supply. Recently, there's been articles on Peak Phosphorous. It doesn't look very bright for the future of mankind since they've predicted that by 2030 the world's reserve for Phosphorus will run out.

Click on the link below to learn more:

A Genius Investor Thinks Billions Of People Are Going To Starve To Death — Here's Why

10 December 2012

03 December 2012

Have a great week ahead. Click on image to enlarge.