So today is the day that I was born 32 years ago. I woke up not feeling my brightest. Maybe because I didn't sleep in the best of mood the night before knowing that I could've given my best and I didn't. Failure is not an excuse for me. I'm not a perfectionist but if I could accomplish more than my expectations, I would've given it my 100%.
Why did I start this blog on my birthday ? Maybe the best way to answer that question is by answering another. Did you try to find a set of corresponding numbers when you first picked your mobile number? Did you come up with a cool email address that best suits you or your personality? I certainly did. It boils down to personalization. Almost all material things we own, we find the need to personalize it; be it your car registration numbers or something more mundane like your toaster.
So here's a toast to this blog. Open your best champagne and celebrate it with vigour for all you know it may be your last. I'm not quite sure where this blog is heading but that's the best part of starting something new. Life's a journey not a destination. So, where ever I go, hear and talk. Whatever my thoughts, feelings and indiscretions and ideas. I'll try to put an effort to blog it for all of you to absorb and ponder upon.