If a Sabahan Ruled the Country
- Drinking alcohol for no apparent reason constitutes as a public holiday, hence 'Kaamatan' can be observed as year long festival
- "Rampas" instead of "Ragut" would be new national crime phenomena
- A 2% speech royalty is imposed to any non-Sabahan speaking Sabahan in public
- There is no longer a problem of illegal immigrants in Sabah however, the number of fake Mykads has risen to a critical level.
- Development projects has been successfully implemented however the shoddy works done has left many questioning the way the contract was awarded
- A large portion of the federal budget has been allocated to the state, however a very large portion of that budget spent has been 'unaccounted' for
- "Borneonisation" of the federal government will only mean more people with very peculiar sounding last names in it
- All federal logos will fashion the Mt. Kinabalu (in silhouette) emblem.
- Constant power failures still defies the laws of physics
- "Aramaitee" is acknowledge as a "generally acceptable" expression used in everyday Bahasa Malaysia.