As this blog is reaching its one year anniversary, what started out as a personal journey of sorts this blog has inadvertently drawn in quite a number of visitors (close to 4000 eyeballs and still counting). I am still quite awed by it, bear in mind that I have not made a conscious effort to promote or monetize it in any form whatsoever although there are times i am tempted too. Anyone in their right frame of mind should hence the title to this blog.
I can foresee myself doing this for a living e.g. blogging to feel alive and not as a means to sustaining my life. To express and convey my thoughts that mere words cannot possibly do but only when all the ingredients of the symphony is orchestrated into a singular and, cohesive composition can it only express the subconscious tendrils of my madness. It is mine to keep. Not to be bought and sold monetarily and that's what makes it priceless.
Maybe that is why artists like Da Vincci reaches fame after death. No one can really comprehend the method to his madness but him and by doing so immortalized his creations for the world to wonder. Are we martyrs or madmen? Living day to day as an end to our means clamoring on top of each other to grab whatever it is that ticks our clock. To reach a level of pomposity that we become masters of our domain while the slaves wilt and wither as father time eats their harvests. "This bird you cannot change." Freebird - Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Working hard at being shallow and sycophantic