30 January 2008

Just a slight case of Coulrophobia

I'm not sure how, why or when my eldest daughter feared clowns. Her first ever confrontation with clowns was at a furniture store and to tell you the truth there was nothing creepy about the clown who was busy making balloon animals. It reminded me of the world's most notorious clown, Pogo.

This is how serial killer John Wayne Gacy lured his victims. He often read his victims verses from the Bible before strangling them to death. He has killed about 60 people and maybe more that has been unaccounted. Even his eerie clown paintings are said to be haunted by Gacy's evil spirit, and Hollywood notable Johnny Depp once owned his painting and was so 'creeped' out by it that he eventually sold it away. Then there's the Hollywood B-movie, "Killer Clowns from Outer Space."
I've never watched the movie but by the looks of this movie poster it sure is what the title says it is. The movie director probably got his idea from Gacy somehow. Perhaps the most creepiest rendition of Batman's Joker is the one portrayed by the recently deceased Heath Ledger.
If you regard the Joker as a clown. It would fall in the "Creepy Clowns" category. The Joker would make a great Halloween costume though. Finally, I stumbled upon the eerie costume of Bert from Sesame Street. It'll give anyone nightmares for weeks!

It's quite troubling! I'm not sure if my daughter will get over the fear of clowns but she has no problems watching Jojo's Circus. I guess that's a little consolation to killer clowns on the prowl.