20 January 2009

Sink or Swim America

I've been thinking long and hard on what to write in this blog every Tuesday and I can't quite figure out what to put down. All the buzz on the Net lately is Obama's Inauguration Ceremony. Lets digress for a moment into this auspicious event. It's going to be a star studded event nonetheless. Perhaps this is what the country has been yearning for all so long. Tomorrow, America will have a new face. A face where a nation once shunned to be its equal more so its leader. How will this historical moment in time play out ? Is this just another president destined for failure? More bullet for the gun so to speak. A time where America sits precariously at the cliffs of desperation, a young Harvard Law School graduate virtually unheard of two years before he won the presidency has trailblazed his opponents right into the oval office and into the American heartland. Stupid Cupid. A reason for the name ? Experts has pointed out that it's going to take more than a term in office (4 years equivalent to one term, maximum is two terms or eight years to be in office) for Obama to gear the country back to its glory. Will he even survive one term is still anybody's guess. The Republicans will have a heyday once this Columbia graduate slips and, will see him out office before he can have his favorite Chilli corn dog at Capitol Hill. Perhaps, its already preordained for disaster but a drowing man will struggle for his last breath before he takes the inevitable plunge into the abyss. Now back to my drawing board. What will it be for Tuesday?


A Breathtaking Beginning