19 February 2009

It's Just a Phone...

In case you haven't heard. My phone was a victim of a snatch theft. The worst part is not losing the phone but the contacts that you so painstakingly organized and stored. E-mails, business lines, addresses all up in smoke.

I went phone hunting for a replacement last Sunday (the same day I lost my phone), and I came across an upgrade model of the phone I lost. A Nokia E66. It's got all the functions similar to a Blackberry Bold. Only difference is that the resolution for the Nokia's camera is slightly better than the Blackberry's. That's about the only difference I could find between the two.

Price differential between the two, the Blackberry is at a higher premium. I'm wondering what's all the fuss about a Blackberry.

You can pretty much guess which phone I'll be purchasing.

Specs. for Blackberry Bold

Specs. for Nokia E66